After completing TMI 1 a candidate is eligible for a three-year, non-renewable Mississippi license (license “years” end June 30 each year, so the license is good from the issue date to June 30, then two more full years). Once finished, TMI will create the application inside the MECCA portal and email license application instructions to the candidate.
No, not directly. Included in the materials sent to candidates upon completion are instructions on accessing existing MDE employment resources, including job postings and getting added to the database of available teachers. TMI staff cannot write letters of recommendation for candidates. Candidate should rely upon instructors/school officials who observed him/her during field experience for recommendations. TMI can write letters of good standing or completion that detail enrollment or completion of the TMI program to assist in the job search while the MDE is reviewing your application.
During TMI, candidates will have the option to participate in a career services course to improve their resume, cover letter, social media, and interview skills. Most importantly, candidates will utilize the Field Experience requirement to become a known quantity to at least one school. Impressing personnel during field experience is the surest way to gain employment as an educator. For additional assistance, visit the MDE Job Search Assistance page.
TMI 1 completers holding the temporary license, once employed by a MDE accredited public or private school, may enroll in TMI 2. Candidates with special, non-renewable licenses, or who have previously completed the first component of another MDE approved alternate route program, cannot transfer directly into TMI 2.
The first step in enrolling in TMI 2 is to secure a teaching position at a MDE accredited public or private school. Once employed, a candidate may sign up for the next session of TMI 2 by completing the TMI 2 Enrollment web form to provide employment information. The link to this web form is included with TMI 1 completion materials and is posted on the TMI website. Candidates should contact TMI anytime their email address changes to ensure the link can be completed (information entered must match our system). Candidates may also email at any time to request the link.
If a candidate’s initial 3-year temporary license issued after TMI 1 expires before completion of TMI 2, we still may be able to assist the candidate secure the standard license. However, once the temp license expires, the candidate is subject to any changes made to licensure since the initial certification. For example, if MDE adopts a new Praxis Subject Assessment for the candidate’s area, so long as the candidate completes TMI 2 before the initial license expires, the candidate would not have to take the new exam. If however the candidate allows the initial license to expire before completing TMI 2, that candidate would have to complete the new exam in order to secure the standard license.
In order to receive a standard five-year renewable Mississippi teacher’s license, a candidate must complete a teaching internship. For candidates seeking licensure through TMI, the internship is the teaching position secured with the license obtained from TMI 1.
Once a job has been secured and a candidate has enrolled in TMI 2, the candidate (along with the guidance of the candidate’s principal) will select a mentor teacher from their school. This mentor will serve as a resource to the TMI 2 student as well as submit evaluations of the candidate’s progress. TMI will compensate the mentor.
Successful completion of the TMI 2 course and concurrent completion of a year of employment at an MDE-accredited public or private school (the internship) allows for a recommendation for the standard, renewable (five-year) Mississippi teacher’s license.